The Space Between Starting And Being Ready

“The key to success is to start before you’re ready.” 

Marie Forleo


When I first heard this quote, it felt like a very mindset/motivation/hype it up statement. Like the kind you see on Instagram when you need a bit of a digital pick-me-up.

I’m a bit of a sucker for that kind of thing if I’m being honest 😉

And, I love Marie Forleo. Such amazing energy!

But I’ve come to appreciate this statement in a more literal application. All too often this happens when I’m speaking to people who want to make a change in their life. They want to maybe change the way they eat. Or get more sleep. Be more active. Watch less Netflix. Spend more time doing something they love. You get the picture – they want things to be different and they generally know at least some of the major barriers in their way.

Change, but…

At the same time, I have also been hearing this a lot too;

“now is not the right time”
“as soon as______”

Which brings me back to Marie and her statement “the key to success is to start before you’re ready.” 
Maybe it’s not just about mindset and motivation. Could it literally be ‘start before you are ready.’

Before you have the time. Or a plan of how it’s all going to work.

It might not be a great time – or  even be a good time.

But tomorrow might not feel any better. The truth is, making change can be hard, and feel pretty confronting. We might not ever feel ready.

Especially if life already is throwing a lot at us. It can be hard to feel ready for change when the last thing we need is more work.

But here’s the thing…

What if getting started is what makes us ready?  Maybe there is no between. Nothing else that’s going to make us feel ready. Instead of waiting on a feeling that might not ever arrive, what about making a decision.


To start now.


What do you think? Do you feel you need to wait until you’re ready? Or do you find you need to get started even if you don’t feel ready, in order to make a change?


If this sounds like you, like you want to get started making some changes to your lifestyle but you’re not sure where to start, health and nutrition coaching might be of interest to you. 

To find out of Health & Nutrition Coaching is right for you, book a free 50-minute strategy session, called The Wellbeing Roadmap. During this conversation we will get you on the path from where you are to where you want to be. 


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Did you like this topic? Want  more? You can read about my experience starting before I was ready and where that took me, here for Thrive Global– check it out!



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