From Empty Resolutions to Achievable Goals

I had done it again, and I was not happy about it. Not at all. It was the beginning of February, 2018. My baby has just turned one, and my oldest was a rambunctious three year old. I was tired. And frustrated because as I looked through the photos from my daughters birthday, all the photos that included me showed me looking exactly as I felt.
Tried. Unfit. Unhappy in my clothes and in my own skin.
It was the beginning of February I had already broken my resolutions for the new year to 'get fit, find more energy, and lose weight'. Can you relate? Have you ever set resolutions for the new year, with the best of intentions? But found that come February they had already fallen away?
While the idea of 'New Years Resolutions' is a concept under fire these days, there's nothing wrong with looking to the new year as one full of possibilities.
Can you make changes? Of course you can.
However, resolutions can often be empty, daunting ideas. That in the end can set you up to fail by making you feel guilty for not accomplishing the goal you set for yourself. But doesn't have to be that way. Those resolutions can be turned into achievable goals! And I'm going to walk you through it right here, and show you how I made 2018 an amazing year for change in my health and wellbeing.

From Empty Resolutions to Achievable Goals

About change

Often when we make resolutions, or goals for ourselves, they focus on the big picture. These types of goals can be very general, or lack in defining the process to get you there. In example, these types of goals might be something like:
I'm going to... healthy this year.
...loose weight this year.
...make more time for the things and people I love this year.
And while there is absolutely nothing wrong with these concepts, they don't make very good goals. Because to take them from general ideas to goals, they need to become habits.
To start, we need to break down the specific goals to specific small acts. So small, they seem insignificant. Microsteps. It's these tiny steps, these microsteps, that become habits. And once we have a habit we can commit to, that's when change happens. And sticks.
(you thought I was going to start talking about SMART goals there, didn't you???)
Lets get started! Keep reading..... 🙂

Thinking about the Past Year

Knowing where we've been is essential when figuring out where we are going.
Take some time to think about the past year. You can use the prompting questions below to spark some ideas:
  • Think of something that was great?
  • And something that  was not so great?
  • Could be better? Or you do better?
  • Is amazing and you could do more of?
  • Focus less energy on?
  • Things that take up most of your time?
  • Looking at what takes your time, how does that make you feel?
  • Is there something you really dislike doing?
  • What do you love to do most?
Write it down or type it out! You want to be able to come back to it later. These will also serve as a great reference point when measuring how far you've come.

Real vs. Ideal?

Do you every immediately filter your goals based on the what you consider to be realistic? While making goals achievable is pretty much the plan, sometimes we can talk ourselves out of something before giving it an honest try
Often it's a case of limiting beliefs about ourselves. The key to any goal big or small is having a plan and taking the first step. Often, we just need to work out what that step is. Thank about the questions above, and start with one thing you would like to achieve in 2020.
I had to make the decision between real vs ideal when it came to the use of my mobile phone, and you can read more about that here.

What's the first step?

I'm going to challenge you to look at that first step, and break it down even further.
Find something that is so small, there is very little resistance. Such a small piece of that first step, there is no reason not to do it. It might seem too small to make a difference, but I assure you, it's not. Think about what you want, but also why you want it. We all know we are suppose to have goals! But, it's just as important to know why we have them. The 'why' is what really dictates the direction of your goals.
What do you...
really want to accomplish?
want to be different in your life?
what will achieving this goal do for your life?
Now think back to that first small step you decided on. The first step towards your goal. The one that's SO SMALL there's little to no resistance.
Are they still aligned? Your first step, and your big picture WHY?
If so, then it's time to get started with that first small step.

What's the plan?

Once you have that first tiny step and have gotten started, it's a great time to create the tiny steps that will follow. These microsteps are the path to success. However to get you there, the next step in your journey needs to be accessible once you have completed the first.
What are the things you need to do to accomplish your goal? Map it out, as detailed as possible. Some people have a lot of success working backwards from the end point. Others prefer to work in sequential order. Whatever works for you, map out the steps into a timeline. Add some dates to be accountable to.

Celebrate ALL the Success

This is the best part. Okay, did you take that tiny first step? Did you add a new healthy item to your grocery shop? Find the locations of the gyms closest to your home? Decide when you wanted to get your meals organised for the week? Did you try a new recipe?
Whatever the success, big or small, celebrate it! As my son would say, celebrate it 'for real life!'.
These are some great tips to get you started. I hope this has you feeling positive and confident towards your goals in 2020 and beyond 🙂

If you are feeling like you might like a bit more help, then I would like to invite you to book a free 50-minute session. It's called The Wellbeing Roadmap, and it's designed to get you on the path from where you are to where you want to be.
